How to create a productive study space at home (step by step)

a productive study space at home with organized bookshelf and a table in front of the window

The most important thing that students should have is a productive study space. And it should be a quiet room with fewer distractions. To study effectively with full concentration, we have to organize our study room in the best way. So the main thing you should do before starting learning is to read this article and get the idea of creating a productive space and making your study space in your own way.

This is not an easy task; when creating a good study space, you must think about productivity, distractions, timing, physical and mental health, and memorization techniques. So in this article, I have organized all those factors with my experiences and experts' advice. So let's build your study room step by step.

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4 steps to create a productive study room

I can summarize the process of making a good study room in 4 steps. But it's more complicated than you think because you have to make your study place for you and your studies. So we don't know your preferences, so get my general idea and follow the tips below to make it more productive.

1. Choose the best place.

To study in your preferred way you should have complete control of the place otherwise you can't learn at the time you like or the method you prefer. For example, if you want to read aloud or hang notes, you can't do it in your sibling's rooms. So the first thing is to choose the best place.  

2. Make a learning-friendly environment.

Lightning, space, and mood are the key features you must consider when making your study room. You can Hang notes, place your study table near the window and make it easy for night studying. And there are more things to do while making your study place in the below tips.

3. Reduce distractions

Distractions are keeping us away from productive studying. Because they make us lazy, waste time, and more. So it's essential to eliminate distractions from your study environment.

4. Keep it organized

Without an organized environment, you can't study productively. So you have to organize your tools, books, and other things very well to be more productive. You have the ability to create an organized study room, but most of you can't maintain it for a long time. So promise yourself that you will stay productive forever.

Tips for creating a productive study environment at home

1. Find a private room.

If you can find a room for yourself, it's the best place to engage in your studies. You have more freedom than anywhere else in your own place, and because of no distractions, you can focus on your studies well. So the best thing is you can learn the way you want. 

You can decorate your room with various things which helps you to learn effectively. And you can engage in your study routine anytime as you don't want to go out of the home. But just think you can't have all these things in another place like staying in your mother's or sibling's rooms. Moreover, our schedule can bother them, and theirs can bother us too. That's the importance of having a private room.

2. Hang notes, charts, and quotes on the wall

My room's walls are full of notes, charts, and motivational quotes. After every meal, I usually go through each wall by reading all the notes and understanding the graphs. The more time we deal with our notes, the more our brain stores them in long-term memory. In my experience, it helped me memorize complex topics such as electrical and magnetic fields, which come in subjects like physics.

3. Find a good table and a chair.

The position of studying can affect your mood and concentration on your studies. Using a chair and a table that supports you and makes you comfortable can helps you to stay with your work and continue without interruptions. 

It's better to use an adjustable chair; the table height should match the chair size. Try to sit according to the following correct posture the whole time because, without a proper position, you will never be able to focus on your studies for extended periods because it may distract you with various pains. 

4. Expose to natural light

Studying in your room for long hours can make you feel some kind of bored. And also, the artificial light can strain your eyes, making it hard to focus on referring to textbooks and notes. Instead of locking the room and studying in artificial light, you can take advantage of natural light. If you are in a stressed mood when you are struggling with complicated subjects, it's good to study them in natural light. Because studies have found that natural light can lower stress and helps the mind stay active.

5. Place study table near the window

I have my study table in front of the window. I can see my beautiful garden through the greenish surrounding whenever I am studying. After a long learning session or when stressed, my mind prefers to look at some flowers in my garden. It surprisingly claimed me down. 

And the white noises surrounding the sound of birds and other animals in the garden always make me happy. Studying there is very comfortable in the windy seasons because the excellent wind flow refreshes me. So if you can, it's good to place your study table in front of the window.

6. Choose good light

Having bright light for your studying room is essential when studying at night. During the times you refer to books and notes, your eyes should be comfortable with light to keep concentration. So as I mentioned above, if you have your table near the window, you can work with the natural light. But when it comes to night, we don't have natural light, so we have to use a bright LED bulb to light up our study room. 

And it's good to use a table lamp too. You can see your books and papers clearly with that. When you don't have a table lamp, you can't see the texts clearly because of your shadow, which can put a lot of strain on your eyes. But With good lightning, you wouldn't feel the difference between day and night.

7. Use a whiteboard

student writing on whiteboard while studying at home

You all know the teaching alone method is my favorite memorization technique. We need a whiteboard to effectively do that. And I saw that most software companies have whiteboards everywhere in their offices because anyone can write their ideas freely on whiteboards. 
When I plan our site and content structure, I use the whiteboard to write them down. At night, when I go to sleep, I write all the stuff I have to continue the next day on my whiteboard, so in the morning, the first thing I see is my task list. Then I have a clear idea of what I should do today, which motivates me to start my daily routine immediately.

8. Have more open space

I enjoy reading notes while walking, so I have much space to walk around in my study room. And the specialty is when we have much open space, it relaxes our mind. Think when your study room is filled with different stuff, how annoying that is. When there are not many things in the room, you can easily organize your learning materials and manage a clean, tidy place. When you have a lot of free space, it allows you to study with friends too.

9. Keep all organized

I know how hard it is to organize our study materials to find something on time when we need it. If you do not maintain a productive study space a few days after the cleaning, your room will get messed up again. So you have to plan the structure of your things properly. 

Make separate bookshelves for each subject, organize everything with color codes like in the library, and reserve permanent places to keep every stuff well organized. If you have no idea how to make your study space productive, you can also follow the Japanese 5S methodology.

10. Use a clock

Time is Gold

As students, we should properly understand the importance of time because if we don't manage our study time well, we won't be able to adapt to a routine. I loved to study math more than physics, so in the early days, I spent more time in math and almost no time in physics. After realizing this was a bad habit, I started using an alarm clock to remind myself that the time set aside for the topic was up. So now I properly manage my time in each slot.


I know keeping the studying place tidy and clean is not easy. It almost sounds like a big challenge. But what if we can change our attitudes once and give a short time each day to keep our working space neat and clean? A cleaned works space indeed can encourage you to study more time. Trust me, it worked for me well.

Follow my tips and give it a try. Find out the feeling of working in a well-organized studying place and how it helps you to continue your process. Also, don't forget to share this article with your pals, have a discussion, and let me know about your ideas and favors in the comment section. Happy working. 

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